Guiding Documents

Guiding documents expand upon the quality indicators providing additional depth. The eight areas are completed and available to download as both Microsoft Word and PDF.

  1. Guiding Document for Including Assistive Technology In the IEP: (GDIEP-MS Word) (GDIEP-PDF)
  2. Guiding Document for Implementation: (GDIMP-MS Word) (GDIMP-PDF)
  3. Guiding Document for Evaluation of Effectiveness: (GDEE-MS Word) (GDEE-PDF)
  4. Guiding Document for Transition: (GDTRAN-MS Word) (GDTRAN-PDF)
  5. Guiding Document for Professional Development: (GDPD-MS Word) (GDPD-PDF)
  6. Guiding Document for Consideration: (GDCON-MS Word) (GDCON-PDF)
  7. Guiding Document for Administrative Support: (GDADMIN-Word) (GDADMIN-PDF)
  8. Guiding Document for Assessment: (GDASSESS-Word) (GDASSESS-PDF)
  9. Reference List for Citations: (RLC-MS Word) (RLC-PDF)