Guiding documents expand upon the quality indicators providing additional depth. The eight areas are completed and available to download as both Microsoft Word and PDF.
- Guiding Document for Including Assistive Technology In the IEP: (GDIEP-MS Word) (GDIEP-PDF)
- Guiding Document for Implementation: (GDIMP-MS Word) (GDIMP-PDF)
- Guiding Document for Evaluation of Effectiveness: (GDEE-MS Word) (GDEE-PDF)
- Guiding Document for Transition: (GDTRAN-MS Word) (GDTRAN-PDF)
- Guiding Document for Professional Development: (GDPD-MS Word) (GDPD-PDF)
- Guiding Document for Consideration: (GDCON-MS Word) (GDCON-PDF)
- Guiding Document for Administrative Support: (GDADMIN-Word) (GDADMIN-PDF)
- Guiding Document for Assessment: (GDASSESS-Word) (GDASSESS-PDF)
- Reference List for Citations: (RLC-MS Word) (RLC-PDF)