The Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology include the specific quality indicators that were developed by focus groups and validated through research, intent statements that further explain each indicator, and a list of common errors for each of the eight areas. The eight areas are all important to the development and delivery of assistive technology (AT) services and include: Consideration of AT Needs, Assessment of AT Needs, AT in the IEP, AT Implementation, Evaluation of Effectiveness of AT, AT in Transition, Administrative Support for AT, and AT Professional Development.
In addition, a set of self-assessment matrices have been developed for all of the Quality Indicators. These Matrices are designed to allow individual service providers and school districts to assess their current practices and plan for improvement.
When reviewing or using the Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology, it is important to be aware of some basic assumptions that pertain to all areas of QIAT.
First, it is essential that all AT services developed and delivered by states or districts are legally correct according to the mandates and expectations of federal and state laws and are aligned to district policies.
Second, AT efforts, at all stages, involves on-going collaborative work by teams which include families and caregivers, school personnel, and other needed individuals and service agencies. Third, team members involved in AT processes are responsible for following the code of ethics for their specific profession.
Quality Indicators for each of the areas important to the development and delivery of assistive technology services (available in HTML, Adobe PDF, or Microsoft Word format):
Quality Indicators
- Consideration of AT Needs
- Assessment of AT Needs
- AT in the Individualized Education Program (IEP)
- AT Implementation
- Evaluation of Effectiveness of AT
- AT in Transition
- Administrative Support for AT
- AT Professional Development
Quality Indicators Matrices
How to use the Quality Indicators Matrices:
Use Guide – Word / Use Guide – PDF
- Matrices Consideration of AT Needs
- Matrices Assessment of AT Needs
- Matrices AT in the IEP
- Matrices AT Implementation
- Matrices Evaluation of Effectiveness of AT
- Matrices AT in Transition
- Matrices Administrative Support for AT
- Matrices AT Professional Development
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