1. Assistive technology (AT) devices and services are considered for all students with disabilities regardless of type or severity of disability.
AT is not considered for students with disabilities.
AT is considered only for students with severe disabilities or students in specific disability categories.
AT is considered for all students with disabilities but the consideration is inconsistently based on the unique educational needs of the student.
AT is considered for all students with disabilities and the consideration is generally based on the unique educational needs of the student.
AT is considered for all students with disabilities and the consideration is consistently based on the unique educational needs of the student.
2. During the development of the individualized educational program (IEP), the IEP team consistently uses a collaborative decision-making process that supports systematic consideration of each student’s possible need for AT devices and services.
No process is established for IEP teams to use to make AT decisions.
A process is established for IEP teams to use to make AT decisions but it is not collaborative.
A collaborative process is established but not generally used by IEP teams to make AT decisions.
A collaborative process is established and generally used by IEP teams to make AT decisions.
A collaborative process is established and consistently used by IEP teams to make AT decisions.
3. IEP team members have the collective knowledge and skills needed to make informed AT decisions and seek assistance when needed.
The team does not have the knowledge or skills needed to make informed AT decisions. The team does not seek help when needed.
Individual team members have some of the knowledge and skills needed to make informed AT decisions. The team does not seek help when needed.
Team members sometimes combine knowledge and skills to make informed AT decisions. The team does not always seek help when needed.
Team members generally combine their knowledge and skills to make informed AT decisions. The team seeks help when needed.
The team consistently uses collective knowledge and skills to make informed AT decisions.The team seeks help when needed.
4. Decisions regarding the need for AT devices and services are based on the student’s IEP goals and objectives, access to curricular and extracurricular activities, and progress in the general education curriculum.
Decisions about a student’s need for AT are not connected to IEP goals or the general curriculum.
Decisions about a student’s need for AT are based on either access to the curriculum/IEP goals or the general curriculum¸ not both.
Decisions about a student’s need for AT sometimes are based on both the student’s IEP goals and general education curricular tasks.
Decisions about a student’s need for AT generally are based on both the student’s IEP goals and general education curricular tasks.
Decisions about a student’s need for AT consistently are based on both the student’s IEP goals and general education curricular tasks.
5. The IEP team gathers and analyzes data about the student, customary environments, educational goals, and tasks when considering a student’s need for ATdevices and services.
The IEP team does not gather and analyze data to consider a student’s need for AT devices and services.
The IEP team gathers and analyzes data about the student¸ customary environments¸ educational goals or tasks¸ not all¸ when considering a student’s need for AT devices and services.
The IEP team sometimes gathers and analyzes data about the student¸ customary environments¸ educational goals and tasks when considering a student’s need for AT devices and services.
The IEP team generally gathers and analyzes data about the student¸ customary environments¸ educational goals and tasks when considering a student’s need for AT devices and services.
The IEP team consistently gathers and analyzes data about the student¸ customary environments¸ educational goals and tasks when considering a student’s need for AT devices and services.
6. When AT is needed, the IEP team explores a range of AT devices, services, and other supports that address identified needs.
The IEP team does not explore a range of AT devices¸ services¸ and other supports to address identified needs.
The IEP team considers a limited set of AT devices, services, and other supports.
The IEP team sometimes explores a range of AT devices¸ services¸ and other supports.
The IEP team generally explores a range of AT devices¸ services¸ and other supports.
The IEP team always explores a range of AT devices¸ services¸ and other supports to address identified needs.
7. The AT consideration process and results are documented in the IEP and include a rationale for the decision and supporting evidence.
The consideration process and results are not documented in the IEP.
The consideration process and results are documented in the IEP but do not include a rationale for the decision and supporting evidence.
The consideration process and results are documented in the IEP and sometimes include a rationale for the decision and supporting evidence.
The consideration process and results are documented in the IEP and generally include a rationale for the decision and supporting evidence.
The consideration process and results are documented in the IEP and consistently include a rationale for the decision and supporting evidence.