Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology Implementation
Indicator Statements
Assistive technology implementation pertains to the ways that assistive technology devices and services, as included in the IEP (including goals/objectives, related services, supplementary aids and services and accommodations or modifications) are delivered and integrated into the student’s educational program. Assistive technology implementation involves people working together to support the student using assistive technology to accomplish expected tasks necessary for active participation and progress in customary educational environments.
1. Assistive technology implementation proceeds according to a collaboratively developed plan.
Intent: Following IEP development, all those involved in implementation work together to develop a written action plan that provides detailed information about how the AT will be used in specific educational settings, what will be done and who will do it.
2. Assistive technology is integrated into the curriculum and daily activities of the student across environments.
Intent: Assistive technology is used when and where it is needed to facilitate the student’s access to, and mastery of, the curriculum. Assistive technology may facilitate active participation in educational activities, assessments, extracurricular activities, and typical routines.
3. Persons supporting the student across all environments in which the assistive technology is expected to be used share responsibility for implementation of the plan.
Intent: All persons who work with the student know their roles and responsibilities, are able to support the student using assistive technology, and are expected to do so.
4. Persons supporting the student provide opportunities for the student to use a variety of strategies–including assistive technology and to learn which strategies are most effective for particular circumstances and tasks.
Intent: When and where appropriate, students are encouraged to consider and use alternative strategies to remove barriers to participation or performance. Strategies may include the student’s natural abilities, use of assistive technology, other supports, or modifications to the curriculum, task or environment.
5. Learning opportunities for the student, family and staff are an integral part of implementation.
Intent: Learning opportunities needed by the student, staff, and family are based on how the assistive technology will be used in each unique environment. Training and technical assistance are planned and implemented as ongoing processes based on current and changing needs.
6. Assistive technology implementation is initially based on assessment data and is adjusted based on performance data.
Intent: Formal and informal assessment data guide initial decision-making and planning for AT implementation. As the plan is carried out, student performance is monitored and implementation is adjusted in a timely manner to support student progress.
7. Assistive technology implementation includes management and maintenance of equipment and materials.
Intent: For technology to be useful it is important that equipment management responsibilities are clearly defined and assigned. Though specifics may differ based on the technology, some general areas may include organization of equipment and materials; responsibility for acquisition, set-up, repair, and replacement in a timely fashion; and assurance that equipment is operational.
Common Errors
- Implementation is expected to be smooth and effective without addressing specific components in a plan. Team members assume that everyone understands what needs to happen and knows what to do.
- Plans for implementation are created and carried out by one IEP team member.
- The team focuses on device acquisition and does not discuss implementation.
- An implementation plan is developed that is incompatible with the instructional environments.
- No one takes responsibility for the care and maintenance of AT devices and so they are not available or in working order when needed.
- Contingency plans for dealing with broken or lost devices are not made in advance.